Library lecture_tactics
Lecture 4: Tactics in UniMath
by Ralph Matthes, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP, UT3, Toulouse, Francecoqc lecture_tactics.v
coqdoc -utf8 lecture_tactics.v
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Locate bool.
a separate definition - Init.Datatypes.bool is in the Coq library,
not available for UniMath
only the identifier and its type given, not the definiens
This opens the interactive mode.
The UniMath
style guide asks us to start what follows with Proof. in a separate line.
In vanilla Coq, this would be optional (it is anyway a "nop").
Now we still have to give the term, but we are in interactive mode. If you want to see everything in the currently loaded part of the UniMath library
that *involves* booleans, then do
Search bool.
If you only want to find library elements that *yield* booleans, then try
SearchPattern bool.
true does not take an argument, and it is already a term we can take as definiens.
exact true.
exact is a tactic which takes the term as argument and informs Coq in the proof mode to
finish the current goal with that term.
We see in the response buffer: "No more subgoals."
Hence, there is nothing more to do, except for leaving the proof mode properly.
Defined. instructs Coq to complete the whole interactive construction of a term,
verify it and to associate it with the given identifer, here myfirsttruthvalue.
Search bool.
The new definition appears at the beginning of the list.
Print myfirsttruthvalue.
or just point to the identifier and hit the
key combination mentioned in Part 2
a more compelling example
applies the function negb to obtain the required boolean,
thus the system has to ask for its argument
mysecondtruthvalue = negb myfirsttruthvalue
: bool
= false
: bool
only for illustration purposes - it would be better to define
it according to UniMath style
apply andb. applies the function andb to obtain the required boolean,
thus the system has to ask for its TWO arguments, one by one.
This follows the proof pattern of "backward chaining" that tries to
attack goals instead of building up evidence. In the course of action,
more goals can be generated. The proof effort is over when no more
goal remains.
UniMath coding style asks you to use proof structuring syntax,
while vanilla Coq would allow you to write formally verified
"spaghetti code".
We tell Coq that we start working on the first subgoal.
only the "focused" subgoal is now on display
this again spawns two subgoals
we tell Coq that we start working on the first subgoal
normally, one would not leave the "bullet symbol" isolated in a line
The response buffer signals:
There are unfocused goals.
ProofGeneral would give more precise instructions as how to proceed.
But we know what we are doing...
There are unfocused goals.
- exact true.
The usual "UniMath bullet order" is -, +, *, --, ++, **, ---, +++, ***,
and so on (all the ones shown are being used).
Coq does not impose any order, so one can start with, e.g., *****,
if need be for the sake of experimenting with a proof.
Reuse of bullets even on one branch is possible by enclosing subproofs
in curly braces {}.
You only saw the tactics exact and apply at work, and there was no context.
Interactive mode is more wide-spread when it comes to carrying out proofs
(the command Proof. is reminiscent of that).
Disclaimer: this section has a logical flavour, but the "connectives"
are not confined to the world of propositional or predicate logic.
In particular, there is no reference to the sort Prop of Coq.
Prop is not used at all in UniMath!
On first reading, it is useful to focus on the logical meaning.
doing Curry-Howard logic
Locate "->".
non-dependent product, can be seen as implication
Locate "∅".
Print empty.
Print empty.
an inductive type that has no constructor
Locate "¬".
we need to refer to the UniMath library more explicitly
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Do not write the import statements in the middle of a vernacular file.
Here, it is done to show the order of appearance, but this is only for
reasons of pedagogy.
Locate "¬".
Print neg.
Negation is not a native concept; it is reduced to implication,
as is usual in constructive logic.
Locate "×".
Print dirprod.
non-dependent sum, can be seen as conjunction
how to infer an implication?
intro Hyp123.
set (Hyp1 := pr1 Hyp123).
set (Hyp1 := pr1 Hyp123).
This is already a bit of "forward chaining" which is a fact-building process.
set (Hyp23 := pr2 Hyp123).
cbn in Hyp23.
cbn in Hyp23.
cbn simplifies a goal, and cbn in H does this for hypothesis H;
note that simpl has the same high-level description but should better
be avoided in new developments.
set (Hyp2 := pr1 Hyp23).
set (Hyp3 := pr2 Hyp23).
cbn in Hyp3.
apply Hyp1.
apply tpair.
set (Hyp3 := pr2 Hyp23).
cbn in Hyp3.
apply Hyp1.
apply tpair.
more advanced users will use the tactic split
a more comfortable variant:
Definition combinatorS_induction (A B C: UU): (A × B → C) × (A → B) × A → C.
intro Hyp123.
induction Hyp123 as [Hyp1 Hyp23].
apply Hyp1.
induction Hyp23 as [Hyp2 Hyp3].
apply tpair.
- exact Hyp3.
- apply Hyp2.
exact Hyp3.
Print combinatorS_induction.
Eval compute in combinatorS_induction.
intro Hyp123.
induction Hyp123 as [Hyp1 Hyp23].
apply Hyp1.
induction Hyp23 as [Hyp2 Hyp3].
apply tpair.
- exact Hyp3.
- apply Hyp2.
exact Hyp3.
Print combinatorS_induction.
Eval compute in combinatorS_induction.
the comfort for the user does not change the normal form of the constructed proof
use intro three times or rather intros once; reasonable coding style
gives names to all hypotheses that are not already present
in the goal formula, see also the next definition
intros H1 H2 H3.
apply H1.
- exact H3.
- set (proofofB := H2 H3).
apply H1.
- exact H3.
- set (proofofB := H2 H3).
set up abbreviations that can make use of the current context
We see that set gives rise to let-expressions that are known
from functional programming languages, in other words: the use of
set is not a "macro" facility to ease typing.
let-bindings disappear when computing the normal form of a term:
set can only be used if the term of the desired type is provided,
but we can also work interactively as follows:
Definition combinatorS_curried_with_assert (A B C: UU):
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → A → C.
intros H1 H2 H3.
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → A → C.
intros H1 H2 H3.
we can momentarily forget about our goal and build up knowledge:
assert (proofofB : B).
the current goal C becomes the second sub-goal, and the new current goal is B
It is not wise to handle this situation by "bullets" since many assertions
can appear in a linearly thought argument. It would pretend a tree structure
although it would rather be a comb. The proof of the assertion should
be packaged by enclosing it in curly braces like so:
{ apply H2.
exact H3.
exact H3.
Now, proofofB is in the context with type B.
apply H1.
- exact H3.
- exact proofofB.
- exact H3.
- exact proofofB.
the wildcard ? for intros
Definition combinatorS_curried_variant (A B C: UU):
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → ∀ H7: A, C.
intros H1 H2 ?.
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → ∀ H7: A, C.
intros H1 H2 ?.
a question mark instructs Coq to use the corresponding identifier
from the goal formula
exact (H1 H7 (H2 H7)).
the wildcard _ for intros forgets the respective hypothesis
Locate "⨿".
this symbol is typed as \amalg when the recommended extension
packages for VSCode are loaded
Print coprod.
defined in UniMath preamble as inductive type,
can be seen as disjunction
Locate "∏".
Locate "=".
the identity type of UniMath
Print paths.
How to decompose formulas
Decomposition of goal formulas:
Decomposition of formula of hypothesis H:
Working with holes in proofs
Print pathscomp0.
This is the UniMath proof of transitivity of equality.
The salient feature of transitivity is that the intermediate
expression cannot be deduced from the equation to be proven.
Notice that the outermost parentheses are needed here.
Fail apply pathscomp0.
Fail apply pathscomp0.
The command has indeed failed with message:
Cannot infer the implicit parameter b of pathscomp0 whose type is
"Type" in environment:
A, B, C, D : UU
apply (pathscomp0 (b := A × (B × (C × D)))).
is this not just associativity with third argument C × D?
SearchPattern (_ × _ = _ × _).
Nothing for our equation - we can only hope for weak equivalence ≃,
see the exercises.
badex is not in the symbol table.
Abort. is a way of documenting a problem with proving a result.
decompose the implication:
intro H.
decompose the Σ-type:
induction H as [x H'].
decompose the pair:
induction H' as [H1 H2].
decompose the pair in the goal
apply tpair.
- Fail (apply tpair).
- Fail (apply tpair).
The command has indeed failed with message:
Unable to find an instance for the variable pr1.
∃ x.
exact H1.
exact H1.
or use use
use tpair.
+ exact x.
+ cbn.
+ exact x.
+ cbn.
is given only for better readability
exact H2.
use is not generally available in Coq but defined in the
preamble of the UniMath library.
a bit more on equational reasoning
A section allows to introduce local variables/parameters
that will be bound outside of the section.
Locate "~".
Print homot.
this is just pointwise equality
Print idfun.
the identity function
Locate "∘".
exchanges the arguments of funcomp
Print funcomp.
plain function composition in diagrammatic order, i.e.,
first the first argument, then the second argument
makes good sense in a section, can be put in curly braces to indicate
they will be implicit arguments for every construction in the section
Definition interestingstatement : UU :=
∏ (v w : A → B) (v' w' : B → A),
w ∘ w' ~ idfun B → v' ∘ v ~ idfun A → v' ~ w' → v ~ w.
Check (isinjinvmap': interestingstatement).
Lemma ourisinjinvmap': interestingstatement.
is a nop since the formula structure is not analyzed
unfold interestingstatement.
unfold unfolds a definition
intros ? ? ? ? homoth1 homoth2 hyp a.
the extra element a triggers Coq to unfold the formula further;
unfold interestingstatement was there only for illustration!
we want to use transitivity that is expressed by pathscomp0 and
instruct Coq to take a specific intermediate term; for this, there
is a "convenience tactic" in UniMath: intermediate_path
intermediate_path (w (w' (v a))).
- apply pathsinv0.
- apply pathsinv0.
apply symmetry of equality
unfold homot in homoth1.
unfold funcomp in homoth1.
unfold idfun in homoth1.
apply homoth1.
unfold funcomp in homoth1.
unfold idfun in homoth1.
apply homoth1.
all the unfold were only for illustration!
Print maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
unfold homot in hyp.
Print maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
unfold homot in hyp.
we use the equation in hyp from right to left, i.e., backwards:
rewrite <- hyp.
remark: for a forward rewrite, use rewrite without directional
apply homoth2.
Context (v w: A → B) (v' w': B → A).
Eval compute in (ourisinjinvmap' v w v' w').
Opaque ourisinjinvmap'.
Eval compute in (ourisinjinvmap' v w v' w').
Context (v w: A → B) (v' w': B → A).
Eval compute in (ourisinjinvmap' v w v' w').
Opaque ourisinjinvmap'.
Eval compute in (ourisinjinvmap' v w v' w').
Opaque made the definition opaque in the sense that the identifier
is still in the symbol table, together with its type, but that it does
not evaluate to anything but itself.
If inhabitants of a type are irrelevant (for example if it is known
that there is at most one inhabitant, and if one therefore is not interested
in computing with that inhabitant), then opaqueness is an asset to make
the subsequent proof process lighter.
Opaque can be undone with Transparent:
Full and irreversible opaqueness is obtained for a construction
in interactive mode by completing it with Qed. in place of Defined.
Using Qed. is discouraged by the UniMath style guide. In Coq,
most lemmas, theorems, etc. (nearly every assertion in Prop) are
made opaque in this way. In UniMath, many lemmas enter subsequent
computation, and one should have good reasons for not closing an
interactive construction with Defined.. More than 5kloc of the UniMath
library have Qed., so these good reasons do exist and are not rare.
The section parameters A and B are abstracted away after the end
of the section.
Up to now, we "composed" tactics in two ways: we gave them sequentially,
separated by periods, or we introduced a tree structure through the
"bullet" notation. We did not think of these operations as composition
of tactics, in particular since we had to trigger each of them separately
in interactive mode. However, we can also explicitly compose them, like so:
composing tactics
Definition combinatorS_induction_in_one_step (A B C: UU):
(A × B → C) × (A → B) × A → C.
intro Hyp123;
induction Hyp123 as [Hyp1 Hyp23];
apply Hyp1;
induction Hyp23 as [Hyp2 Hyp3];
apply tpair;
[ exact Hyp3
| apply Hyp2;
exact Hyp3].
(A × B → C) × (A → B) × A → C.
intro Hyp123;
induction Hyp123 as [Hyp1 Hyp23];
apply Hyp1;
induction Hyp23 as [Hyp2 Hyp3];
apply tpair;
[ exact Hyp3
| apply Hyp2;
exact Hyp3].
The sequential composition is written by (infix) semicolon,
and the two branches created by apply tpair are treated
in the |-separated list of arguments to the brackets.
Why would we want to do such compositions? There are at least four good reasons:
(1) We indicate that the intermediate results are irrelevant for someone who
executes the script so as to understand how and why the construction /
the proof works.
(2) The same tactic (expression) can uniformly treat all sub-goals stemming
from the preceding tactic application, as will be shown next.
Definition combinatorS_curried_with_assert_in_one_step (A B C: UU):
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → A → C.
intros H1 H2 H3;
assert (proofofB : B) by
( apply H2;
exact H3
apply H1;
(A → B → C) → (A → B) → A → C.
intros H1 H2 H3;
assert (proofofB : B) by
( apply H2;
exact H3
apply H1;
This illustrates the grouping of tactic expressions by parentheses, the variant
assert by of assert used when only one tactic expression forms the proof of
the assertion, and also point (2): the last line is simpler than the expected line
[exact H3 | exact proofofB].
This works since each branch can be given uniformly as assumption.
Why would we want to do such compositions (cont'd)?
(3) We want to capture recurring patterns of construction / proof by tactics into
reusable Ltac definitions (see long version of the lecture).
(4) We want to make use of the abstract facility, explained now.
[exact H3 | exact proofofB].
Definition combinatorS_induction_with_abstract (A B C: UU):
(A × B → C) × (A → B) × A → C.
intro Hyp123;
induction Hyp123 as [Hyp1 Hyp23];
apply Hyp1;
induction Hyp23 as [Hyp2 Hyp3].
Now imagine that the following proof was very complicated but had no computational
relevance, i.e., could also be packed into a lemma whose proof would be finished
by Qed. We can encapsulate it into abstract:
abstract (apply tpair;
[ assumption
| apply Hyp2;
[ assumption
| apply Hyp2;
The term features an occurrence of combinatorS_induction_with_abstract_subproof
that contains the abstracted part; using the latter name is forbidden by the
UniMath style guide. Note that abstract is used hundreds of times in the
UniMath library.
Recall that use tpair is the right idiom for an interactive
construction of inhabitants of Σ-types. Note that the second
generated sub-goal may need cbn to make further tactics
If the first component of the inhabitant is already at hand,
then the "exists" tactic yields a leaner proof script.
use is not confined to Σ-types. Whenever one would be
inclined to start trying to apply a lemma H with a varying
number of underscores, use H may be a better option.
SearchPattern searches for the given pattern in what the library
gives as *conclusions* of definitions, lemmas, etc., and the current
Search searches in the (full) types of all the library elements (and
the current hypotheses). It may provide too many irrelevant result
for your question. At least, it will also show all the relevant ones.
Anyway, only the imported part of the library is searched. The quick
way for importing the whole UniMath library is
Require Import UniMath.All.
You may test it with
SearchPattern (_ ≃ _).
with very numerous results.
cbn / cbn in (old but sometimes useful form: simpl / simpl in)
intros (with pattern, with wild cards)
induction / induction as
use (Ltac notation)
unfold / unfold in
intermediate_path (Ltac def.)
rewrite / rewrite <-
assert {} / assert by
a very useful tactic specifically in UniMath
a final word, just on searching the library
Require Import UniMath.All.
SearchPattern (_ ≃ _).
List of tactics that were mentioned
cbn / cbn in (old but sometimes useful form: simpl / simpl in)
intros (with pattern, with wild cards)
induction / induction as
use (Ltac notation)
unfold / unfold in
intermediate_path (Ltac def.)
rewrite / rewrite <-
assert {} / assert by