
This coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view.

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Synthetic Homotopy Theory

In this package we collect a few results about synthetic homotopy theory. The main one is the construction of the circle as the type of torsors over the group of integers and the proof of its induction principle.

The files were written by Daniel Grayson.

Overview of contents


Construction of the “half line” by squashing nat. A Map from it to another type is determined by a sequence of points connected by paths. The techniques are a warm-up for the construction of the circle.


We show that the propositional truncation of a ℤ-torsor, where ℤ is the additive group of the integers, behaves like an affine line. It’s a contractible type, but maps from it to another type Y are determined by specifying where the points of T should go, and where the paths joining consecutive points of T should go. This forms the basis for the construction of the circle as a quotient of the affine line.


Construction of the circle as Bℤ. A map from it to another type is determined by a point and a loop. Forthcoming: the dependent version.